Astral Projection
Astral Projection is a tedious but worthwhile task. In
the act of astral projection, one relaxes themselves into a deep state of
meditation, and wills their spirit, their astral body, out of their physical one
and roam the copy-cat world known as the astral plane. The benefits of
astral projection are many. Since others are able to project, you can meet
them, though physically they are miles apart. The meditation you achieve
is good for your mind as well as your body. When meditating on a regular
basis, you can lower blood pressure, increase vitality and possibly longevity.
But, with every postitive, there is always a negative to factor in. The
number one negative of astral projection for a psychic vampire is that it's not
safe, not in the least bit safe. When astrally projecting, you are
basically taking on the form of your natural energy (also known as pranic
energy). While in this state, you are VERY vunerable to others. It
is important to realize that not only psi-vamps are on the astral plane.
There are entities that you've probably never even heard of out there that live
only on the astral plane. They think that psi-vamps are delicious and
nutrious energy sources, so be warned. Astral projection is not promoted
at this site, but it is still taught and explained so that you may understand
and use it to your liking.
With that out of the way, allow me to explain in more detail the act of astral
projection with step-by-step instructions.
- Get into an atmosphere where you can relax and be by
yourself. The less noise the better. Lighting should be
comfortable on the eyes. Lie down or sit down in a position you can
remain comfortable in, making sure as to not cross your hands or legs.
I normally find myself in an arm chair with a foot stool.
- Once relaxed, begin to meditate. To help you, focus
on something that you're doing, such as breathing. With your eyes
closed, imagine the breath you're taking in through your mouth as clean,
pure, healthy air. Then, as you exhale through your nose, imagine the
dark, gloomy, awful air that you're expelling. Picture it with your
mind. Soon enough, you will fall farther and farther into a deeper
state of meditation.
- Once in this deep state of meditation, you must embark on
one of the harder parts: projecting. There are many different ways to
go about projecting. The key thing in each, though, is to will
yourself to project. Here's two of the more popular ways;
i. While in meditation, picture yourself above you. See with your
mind. There above your head is another you. Now begin to imagine
what it would look like to be up there in that body; imagine what it would
feel like, what you would hear. Soon enough you take on those thoughts
and pictures to the point where your spirit, your astral self, is projecting
into that body above you.
ii. Again, while in your deep state of meditation, imagine your body
vibrating. This shouldn't be too hard, because when entering the
deeper realms of meditation, your body will naturally begin to tingle
throughout. Let this tingling become stronger, feel your body
vibrating. Now feel this vibration becoming in tune with
yourself. You vibrate along with your tingling sensation. Let
this feeling build, and let the vibrations become so strong that you feel as
if you are moving slowly from where you actually are. Do this enough,
and you soon find yourself a good foot or so away. Wa la! You're
Once projected, you may do whatever you please. Roam
about or look for a friend, it's all up to you! But again, and we can't
stress this enough here at Psi-Vamp, BE CAREFUL!!! Astral projection is
NOT the safest place of psi-vamps!